Super Albumin (100 Tablets)

Product image 1Super Albumin (100 Tablets)
Product image 2Super Albumin (100 Tablets)
Product image 3Super Albumin (100 Tablets)

Regular price $27.20

Super Albumin provides comprehensive support for your body’s essential functions. 

Albumin, a vital protein synthesized primarily by the liver, performs key functions essential for physiological health. It binds and stabilizes small molecules and ions, and it is instrumental in the efficient transport and stabilization of hormones, vitamins, and minerals throughout the body. These functions are important for maintaining balance and optimizing nutrient absorption.

In addition to albumin, Super Albumin contains a blend of hydrolyzed peptides and free-form amino acids, including L-Isoleucine, L-Methionine, L-Alanine, L-Arginine, and L-Cysteine. These amino acids are integral to building and maintaining body structures, supporting protein synthesis, and are essential for muscle repair and growth.

Furthermore, Super Albumin is enriched with DNA and RNA, key components for the repair and synthesis of genetic material. This enrichment supports cellular health and functionality, promoting better overall cellular maintenance and healthy aging. 

**Allergen warning: contains egg

***If your albumin levels are low due to any health conditions or treatments, please consult with your physician and/or nutritionist before taking this product. Individual protein requirements vary and depend upon factors such as weight, height and other health conditions.


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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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